Week 06: Mon. Feb. 25

Blog Feedback

  • Add all components:
    • What happened
    • Why is it important
    • Links to quality online resources
    • Bibliography: varied kinds of sources including newspapers, primary sources, secondary, etc.
    • Visuals: multiple
    • Digital tools (can be added as we learn them)
  • Passive Voice makes writing vague and wordy.
  • Use the past tense for historical writing.
  • Edit your posts with care, look at content, writing style, flow.

Working with Time

Timeline JS

TimeLine JS site

Discovering 1919 Timeline spreadsheet -updated

  • Insert a row to enter the event or events that happened in your blog post event in the timeline spreadsheet.
  • Find a photograph or other visual (video, audio) to include
  • Link from the timeline event to your blog post.

Updates made to the timeline are live.

You can customize backgrounds with images or colors using the hex code.

Do not change the names of any of the fields!

Embedding Timeline JS shows in your posts

To create your own timeline for a post or a page on the site:

Create a new timeline at TimeLine JS

  • Make a copy of the spreadsheet and edit it, adding your times and events.
  • Make the spreadsheet public (File, then Publish to Web).
  • Copy the URL of the spreadsheet back to Timeline JS to generate the presentation.
  • Copy the “embed” code.
  • Open your page/post in WordPress and navigate to the place you want the timeline to appear.
  • Shift your editing pane to “Text” from “Visual.”
  • Paste your embed code. Save and View.