Discovering 1919 Blog Grading Rubric

Blog Post (45pts.)

  • 45 –(A) Clearly describes the event in a well-written and engaging style. Explores several different viewpoints on the event. Provides excellent analysis of the impact that place had on the event.  Provides detailed historical context for the event and explores its importance in American history. Provides rich links to helpful internet resources where more information can be found. Post is generally free from errors in grammar, mechanics, usage, and sentence structure.
  • 40 — (B) Clearly describes the event in a well-written style. Provides  at least two different viewpoints on the event. Provides good analysis of the impact that place had on the event. Provides good historical context for the event and notes its importance in American history. Provides good links to helpful internet resources where more information can be found. Post may have a few errors in grammar, mechanics, usage and sentence structure.
  • 35 — (C) The description of the event is generally good, but suffers from some confusing sections.  Effort to provide  at least two different viewpoints on the event is only moderately successful. Provides fair analysis of the impact that place had on the event. Provides little historical context for the event or fails to note its importance in American history. Provides adequate links to helpful internet resources where more information can be found. Post may have some errors, but generally demonstrates control of grammar, mechanics, usage and sentence structure.
  • 30 — (D) The description of the event is confusing or incomplete.   Treats event largely from a single point of view.  Provides weak analysis of the impact that place had on the event. Provides little historical context for the event and fails to note its importance in American history. Provides few links to helpful internet resources where more information can be found. Post is marred by an accumulation of errors in grammar, mechanics, usage and sentence structure.
  • 25 — (F) Fails to describe the event in a clear or coherent manner. Narrowly treats the subject from only one point of view. Ignores the impact of place on the event. Provides little, or inaccurate context for the event or its role in American history.  Provides few or no links to  helpful internet resources where more information can be found. Post has serious and persistent errors in word choice, grammar, mechanics, usage and sentence structure.

Visuals (30 pts.)

  • 30 — (A) Includes more than 12 relevant visuals (total in three posts), all have accurate and formatted source citations, and well-written captions that relate them to the blog post in an interesting way.
  • 25 — (B) Includes between 8-11 relevant visuals (total in three posts), all have accurate source citations and captions that relate them to the exhibit, but there are some issues with the citation style or writing.
  • 20 — (C) Includes between 6-7 visuals (total in three posts), all have source citations and captions, but style is inconsistent or contains some errors, and they are only related to the blog post in a cursory way.
  • 15 — (D) Includes 5 visuals (total in three posts), not all have source citations and captions. Style and formatting is inconsistent, and captions do not successfully relate the images to the blog post
  • 12 — (E) Includes less than 5 visuals (total in three posts), there are few or no citations and captions, and there is no effort to relate the images to the blog post.

Bibliography  (20 pts.)

  • 20 — (A) Includes and uses a deep selection of varied high-quality sources, including 1919 newspapers, primary sources, and scholarly secondary sources. All quotes are sourced.  Footnotes are used when appropriate for sourcing blog content. Chicago Manual of Style format is followed properly.
  • 18 — (B) Includes a selection of high-quality sources, including 1919 newspapers, primary sources, and scholarly secondary sources, but relied on a small set of them. All quotes are sourced. Footnotes are used most of the time. Chicago Manual of Style format is followed with only a few errors.
  • 16 — (C) Includes a short list of quality sources and some of lesser quality. Doesn’t make use of all three: 1919 newspapers, primary sources, or scholarly secondary sources. Only some of the quotes are sourced. There is a lack of consistent footnoting. Chicago Manual of Style format is not used or not used correctly.
  • 14 — (D) List of sources used are not of high quality or were not used in the footnotes. Uses few 1919 newspapers, primary sources, or scholarly secondary sources. Quotes and footnotes are not consistently used and Chicago Manual of Style format is not used or not used correctly.
  • — 12-  (F) Missing or inadequate list of sources or selection of non-scholarly or inappropriate sources. Little use of 1919 newspapers, primary sources, or scholarly secondary sources. Quotes and content are not footnoted. No effort to use Chicago Manual of Style format. .

Digital Tools (5 pts)

  • 5 — (A) Categories, Tags, Date and Featured Image are all correctly selected.  Post is linked to the Google Map with effective short title and image. Post is linked to the Timeline with effective short title, summary, and image. Links to Google Map and Timeline are working.
  • 4 — (B) Categories, Tags, Date, and Featured Image are correctly selected. Post is linked to the Google Map with good short title and image. Post is linked to the Timeline with  good short title, summary, and image. Links to Google Map and Timeline work.
  • 3 — (C)  Most of the Categories, Tags, Date, and Featured Image are correctly selected. Post is linked to the Google Map with acceptable short title and image. Post is linked to the Timeline with  acceptable short title, summary, and image. Links to Google Map and Timeline work.
  • 2 — (D) Not all the Categories, Tags, Date, and Featured Image are selected or accurate.  Post is not linked to Google Map orTimeline or is poorly described. Links to the Google Map and Timeline don’t all work.
  • 1 — (F)Categories, Tags, Date, and Featured Image are not set. Post is not linked to Google Map and Timeline.