Crowdsourcing Presentation Grading Rubric

Project Selection (10pts)

  • 10–Project selected was history-focused and presenter was able to complete at least one hour of participation doing a range of things.
  •  8–Project selected was history-focused, presenter completed at least one hour of participation, but only one one task.
  •  6–Project selected was not history-focused, or the presenter was unable to complete his or her hour whether due to the site or the presenter’s inability.

Project Goals (30pts.)

  • 30–The presentation explained the history and rationale for the project in depth, situating it in the context of other sites, and including reviews and other research on it.
  • 26–The presentation explained the history and rationale for the project adequately, situating it in the context of the various sites we have explored.
  • 22–The presentation left some questions unanswered about the history and rationale for the project, and did not situate it in the context of other sites discussed.
  • 18–The presentation omitted some important information about the history or goals of the project; and made little effort to provide context for it.
  • 14–The presentation was confused or error-ridden on the history and the goals of the project; it made no effort to situate it in the context of other sites.

Experience (30 pts.)

  • 30–The presentation gave an in-depth understanding of the experience of participating in the site, using screen shots or video capture generated by the student to help audiences understand the process.
  • 26–The presentation gave a good understanding of the experience of participating in the site, using screen shots generated by the student to help audiences understand.
  • 22–The presentation gave an adequate understanding of the experience of participating in the site, but used video or screen shots created by someone else to make its points.
  • 18–The presentation gave a poor understanding of the experience of participating in the site, using few or poor quality screen shots or video created by someone else.
  • 14–The presentation did not provide an understanding of the experience of participating in the site, and used no video or screen shots to assist the audience.

Basics (30pts)

  • 30–The presentation was 10 minutes long; with no typographical or grammar errors and was well-written.
  • 26–The presentation was 10 minutes long, with no typographical or grammar errors, and was adequately written.
  • 22–The presentation was either too short or too long by 2-3 minutes, had some typographical or grammar errors.
  • 18–The presentation was either too short or too long by 2-3 minutes, and had many typographical or grammar errors.
  • 14–The presentation was either too short or too long by more than 5 minutes, it contained many typographical or grammar errors.