Metadata: Grading Rubric

Basics (20pts.)

  • 20–Student posted 5 or more items to the digital archive, there are no typographical errors or grammar problems.
  • 18–Student posted 5 items to the digital archive, there are no typographical errors, and few grammar problems.
  • 16–Student posted 5 items to the digital archive, there are some typographical errors or grammar problems.
  • 14–Student posted 5 items to the digital archive, there are many typographical errors and grammar problems.
  • 12–Student did not post 5 items to the digital archive, and there are many typographical and grammar errors.

Metadata (40pts.)

  • 40–All items have complete, rich, and accurate metadata. The student followed the metadata guidelines.
  • 35–All items have complete and accurate metadata. The student followed the guidelines. In some instances metadata was not as detailed as it could be.
  • 30–All items have complete metadata, but there are some issues with accuracy and completeness. The student made some errors in applying the metadata rules.
  • 25–All items have metadata, but not all fields are complete, and there are problems with accuracy and a lack of detail. The student made many errors in applying the metadata rules.
  • 20–Not all items have metadata, it is incomplete or applied incorrectly. Metadata that does appear is cursory or inaccurate. Student did not follow the metadata rules.

Descriptive Quality (40pts.)

  • 40–The research conducted on all items is careful and the entries are concise and well-written. The descriptive fields provide both identification and context for the items.
  • 35–The research conducted on most items is careful and the entries are concise and clearly written. The descriptive fields provide both identification and context for most of the items and tie them to themes in Mahwah’s history.
  • 30–The research conducted on all items is adequate, and the entries are accurate. The descriptive fields provide identification and context for the many of the items, with some relationship to themes in Mahwah’s history.
  • 25–The research conducted on most items is cursory, and the entries are superficial, inaccurate, or lacking in Mahwah context.
  • 20–The research conducted on most items is cursory, inaccurate, or missing. The entries are written poorly and do not convey a sense of Mahwah history.