Week 07: Monday: Mar. 4

Website Design

What makes sites good or bad?

Take 10 minutes to think carefully about the sites that you selected.

  • Can you come up with some general rules for what you think good web design is?
  • Can you come up with some general rules for what you think bad web design is?
  • Present your sites with your overview.

How do you design a site?

  1. What is its purpose?
  2. Who is it for?
  3. What adjectives would you use to describe it?
  4. What features should it have?

Look and Feel

  • How does the site convey a sense of the subject matter?
  • Is it easy to read?
  • How does it use images?
  • How does it use text?
  • How does it convey quality?


  • Is it easy to figure out how to find things?
  • Do the top menus make sense with sub-menus?
  • Can you get lost or fail to locate content?
  • Are users able to take multiple paths through the site?

Primary and Secondary Source Materials

  • How should the site handle primary source materials?
  • How should it handle citations?
  • Is it easy to differentiate between primary and secondary texts?