Building Discovering 1919 Grading Rubric

Each project undertaken by the student will be graded on this scale. Grades will be combined for the student’s final grade. More weight will be given to projects that are more complex.

Historical Content  (40pts.)

  • 40 –(A) Project is completed and adds exceptional contextualization or interpretation to the site. It is explored in sufficient depth for the topic and it fills a need  not otherwise met on the site. Written material is accurate, clear and engaging.  Historical sources used are cited and are well-chosen. It provides a unique and interesting insight into the year 1919.
  • 36 — (B)  Project is completed and offers good contextualization or interpretation to the site. It is explored in depth and meets a need on the site. The written material is accurate and clear, but lacks some attention. Most historical sources are well chosen and cited. It provides an interesting look into the year 1919.
  • 32 — (C) Project is completed and adds some contextualization or interpretation to the site, but is limited. It partially meets a need  on the site. Written material is mostly accurate, conveys information adequately but lacks style and a strong point of view.  Historical sources used are limited and not always the best for the project. It provides some new information about the year 1919.
  • 28 — (D) Project is partially completed but adds only a limited context or interpretation to the site. It poorly meets a need on the site. Written material is weak, confused, or incorrect in places.  Historical sources are not clearly cited, or selected from poor-quality sources. It provides only limited information about the year 1919.
  • 24 — (F) Project is not complete or only partially complete. It does not relate well to the other materials on the site, is limited, or repeats information found in other areas. Written material is confusing or lacking. There are no or few sources sited, and those chosen are of poor quality. It offers no new insight into the year 1919.

Use of Digital Tools (30 pts.)

  • 30 — (A) Creative selection and use of digital tools that demonstrates a clear understanding of how the tool interacts with data.
  • 25 — (B) Successful selection and use of digital tools that demonstrates a good understanding of how the tool interacts with data.
  • 20 — (C)  Adequate selection or use of digital tools, a shaky  understanding of how the tool interacts with data or a partially successful use of the tool.
  • 15 — (D) Unsuccessful selection or use of digital tools, with a lack of understanding about how the tool interacts with data or a failed attempt to use the tool.
  • 12 — (F) No digital tools used aside from WordPress.

Quality of Visuals  (20 pts.)

  • 20 — (A) Project employs historically appropriate, cited visuals that enhance the interpretation or contextualization of the site. Visualizations created for the project are well integrated in and carefully explained.
  • 18 — (B) Project mostly employs historically appropriate, cited visuals that enhance the interpretation or contextualization of the site. Visualizations created for the project are integrated in and explained.
  • 16 — (C) Project employs some historically appropriate, cited visuals along with some that are less appropriate. Not all the images enhance the interpretation or contextualization of the site. Visualizations created for the project are not explained or related to the project.
  • 14 — (D) Project employs only a few visuals and few are historically appropriate. Citations are missing or incomplete. . Not all the images enhance the interpretation or contextualization and some are misleading. Visualizations created for the project are not successful and offer no enhancement to the project.
  • — 12-  (F) There are no visuals, either historical or generated via a visualization.

Basics (10 pts)

  • 5 — (A) Citations are accurate, complete, and in Chicago Style. There are no grammatical or typographical errors.
  • 4 — (B) Citations are accurate, complete, and in Chicago Style. There are few grammatical or typographical errors.
  • 3 — (C)  Citations are mostly accurate, complete and in a consistent style. There are some grammatical and typographical errors.
  • 2 — (D) Citations are incomplete, not always accurate, and not in a consistent style. There are many grammatical and typographical errors.
  • 1 — (F)There are no citation or inaccurate citations. There are many grammatical and typographical errors.

Photo: Miami University Teachers’ College Geography Class 1919.